• Class Information

    Behavior Plan for Mrs. Brunk’s S.T.E.M Lab

    School-Wide Rules

    1. Follow directions.
    2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
    3. No teasing, name calling, or foul language.

    Class Rules

    1. Do what the teacher asks.
    2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
    3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    4. Stay in your seat unless you get permission to get up.
    5. Work safely!

    Rewards for Positive Choices

       Students who make positive choices may earn Eagle Bucks, Eagle Grams, stickers, “Clip Up”,

       or other rewards!

    Consequences for Breaking the Rules

       1st offense: Verbal warning.

       2nd: Time-out* from the activity 

       3rd: “Clip Down” 

       4th: “Clip Down” 2x & note/phone call home

        5th: Office referral

     *Note: Time-out may be in another teacher’s room.

    “Zero tolerance” offenses (purposely hurting someone, bullying, having a weapon, etc.) will mean

    an automatic office referral!

    STEM Lab Schedule

    9:35-10:15Fourth Grade
    10:20-11:00Third Grade
    11:10-11:50First Grade
    1:25-2:05Fifth Grade
    2:10-2:50Second Grade